Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Looking Up

Isaiah 17: 7 says, “In that day men will look to their Maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel.” It was only a few hours I ago I was drawn to this verse…and in the last few hours I have been incredibly challenged by those nineteen words.
As a mother of five children all under the age of eight years old, my life is not the least bit boring or void of its distractions. Just this evening as I attempted to prepare a worship set for next Sunday, my son Jordan, clad in pirate attire, was serenading me loudly on his guitar and new microphone…while my oldest kept me up to date on every other sentence from the book he was reading…and Gideon helped my husband sweep the floor (by eating the food left down there from dinner! Yuck!)…and Shiloh pirouetted around her 2 year old side kick…whose attempt at dancing always ends with a belly flop or a scissor hold. Oddly enough, I accomplished my task…but not without my share of stops and starts and restarts and “Don’t put that in your mouths” and “Your sister is not a jumping pillows.”
Then tonight…as I sat basking in the silence of a sleeping home, I found this scripture and it reminded me…that in all the distractions that life has to offer – my eyes need to be fixed on the Holy One, looking upon their Maker. How easy it is to get side-tracked, to push our devotional times with Him to the side in all the chaos, to forget to be Mary’s sitting at His feet in our rush to do Martha’s work.
But if we can just keep our eyes on Him…Those days are always the best of all…because those who seek - FIND. We will find Him in the most ordinary of moments making life extraordinary. We will find patience when we need it, strength when ours is failing, hope when the way looks impossibly dark, courage when we don’t know if we can fight, peace in the chaos…
So you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to be looking up from here on out…looking up to Him “from whence comes my help.” Let’s not let the busyness of life pull us from our place at His feet, looking up into Daddy’s loving face. Let’s not let the troubles of this world, steal our attention. GAZE INTO THE EYES OF YOUR BELOVED and “in that day” you are going to FIND He is everything.

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