Monday, April 5, 2010

The Favor of God - Part Two

Ephesians 5:18-33 may be one of the most misunderstood portions of scripture in the Bible. I remember returning from my honeymoon to live at the Christian coffeehouse with my new husband, who was the director. Most of the people who frequented the ministry site were male and it wasn't unusual to hear one of them yell, "Woman, submit! Get me a coffee, will ya?" As you can imagine, that went over REALLY well with me. Smile.

If understood, this portion of scripture is truly empowering. It speaks of mutual submission between husband and wife and then very deliberately describes what that submission looks like. For the man, it is coming underneath his wife with the Word of God. He nurtures and cherishes her as a prized vessel. It is as he speaks and nurtures his wife in the Word that she is formed/framed into that glorious bride without spot or wrinkle. Just as Christ is shaping His Church, His Bride with His powerful Word, husbands are able to do the same!

If you can get your husband to read this blog, this would be a good time for me to share how he can help you to be a revealer of God's glory! I would tell him, "My brother, instead of telling your wife what you wish she was, tell her that she is! Your words are framing, forming your wife. Speak critical words and reap a critical wife. Speak the Word of God and watch her become a living expression of God's Word!"

Okay, back to you and I. How do we submit to our husbands? By reverencing them! That means that when they try to nurture or cherish us, we receive it. We don't resist praying together. We don't laugh when they try to minister to us. We actively participate when they try to do Bible Study with us. We respect their effort, no matter how big or small it may seem.

What does this have to do with walking in God's favor? To walk in God's favor, we have to do things God's way. He has a perfect plan for marriage. When we flow with His plan, His favor is released. Even in situations where our spouse refuses to do things God's way, His favor will shield us as we obey. He delights in stooping down to bless and empower us.

If your husband is a Christian, this might be a good time to sit down for a long chat about your marriage. Don't be afraid to ask him to pray for you or to read the Bible with you. If he refuses, at least you tried! He MAY say yes! Your entire family will be strengthened as you honor God in your marriage. If your husband is not saved, God will still honor your obedience. As you walk in love, His favor will surround you like a shield. Be encouraged today!

So, any thoughts???


Anonymous said...

reading your article was like going back in time, in respect to respecting your husband and being obedient to the Lord in all things in the marriage. In my experience, this has had restorative power in my marriage with the blessings of God on my husband and our entire family! Praise the Lord!!, who is always faithful to his Word.It has been worth the 22 year wait to see His will performed.

HCI Children's Ministry Fellowship said...

Women tend to freeze solid when they read the word "submit", not understanding the beauty of it. It's not laying our brains down or becoming a doormat. It's learning how to walk in love and respect. And this has done wonders in my marriage as well. My husband and I read Christian books together and talk about the Word freguently. I am blessed by his challenge to know God more and his confidence that I can do more than I think I can. We're a team!