Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to Love the Youth in the Church...

Many adults feel they can't relate to teenagers. Many teens are POSITIVE they can't relate to most adults in the church. In truth, there is often very little interaction between the youth and older adults in the local church. Yet the Bible gives clear instruction that we (the adults) are to disciple, love, and mentor the next generation. Pretty hard to do that if we never talk to them!

Loving a teenager is different than loving a child for the following reasons:

1. Teens want to think for themselves about almost everything.
2. Teens see what children miss when observing our lives and weaknesses.
3 Teens are young adults, with an ability to think and choose for themselves.
4. Teens have been shaped by their childhood experiences.

Most of us want to encourage the youth who are attending church and seeking to live God's way. So, how do we do it?

1. SEE them at church. Make eye contact and greet them. Learn their names.

2. Pray for them. Stop to ask if they have prayer requests.

3. Invite them out to lunch or dinner. Worried about conversation? Ask about school, their walk with God, what they like about the church, or what they like to do. If they are quiet, just enjoy being together!

4. Compliment them when they do something right. We can be so quick to correct!

5. Attend youth events or offer to chaperone, cook, or drive for a youth service.

6. When you can see they are struggling, stop to talk to them. Sometimes they just need a shoulder to cry on or ear to listen.

7. Many of our youth may come from broken homes or difficult situations. Make Christmas special by inviting a few youth to help with Christmas decorating, baking, or party preparations. Working together can be a wonderful bonding experience.

8. Don't judge them based on appearances. Ignore the body/tongue piercings or colored hair or too-tight jeans. Find out who lives inside the body. Love the person even when you hate the clothes!

If you don't have a child or grandchild to love this Christmas, consider asking Pastors Caleb or Latoya to recommend a youth for you to "adopt." Your godly influence might be just what is needed to help that teenager walk with God!

The CHURCH is everyone in the adult sanctuary...and the youth room...and the children's classrooms. We are to love one another. No age distinction is given! We're family! Let's keep learning how to love...

With Love for You,
Pastor Carla


Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Sounds as if you've been hurt. If you'd like to talk, feel free to call me at 989-828-7052.

Pastor Carla

Anonymous said...

Your church member Durinda is a 2 faced and needs to let go of her hate and stop her behavior.

I was her female lover for over 2 years and now she decides yesterday that she wants to forget who I am because she is afraid the church will find out about us. She didn't seem to mind crying on my shoulder when she was having marital problems over the years.

Now that she is starting to get her life back in order, she wants to forget all I have done for her, the mental support and being there for her. Is this how you treat someone who has given you love and mental support?