Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Life in Motion...

For weeks my life has been a blur of moving pictures from planes, trains and automobiles. (Sounds like an old movie, doesn't it?) I've been in Michigan, Haiti, Tennessee, and Texas. And there's more travel to come. This could get very tiring and discouraging if I didn't absolutely love my life. Smile. Instead, it's exciting!

I've tried writing Bible teaching series and prophetic insights on this blog since starting it a year ago. So far, my series never bet past the second or third post. I start out well, but my finish eludes me. Besides, if the number of comments I receive indicates the number of women actually reading the blog, we're few in number! So, after some prayer and honest evaluation, I'm redirecting the blog one last time. If this doesn't work, I may throw in the towel! Smile.

I am in an interesting season of life. My children are grown, married with families and co-labor with me in ministry. My husband and I are empty-nesters but love the house to be filled with friends or family. Nine grandchildren are now my only hobby. At an age when some are looking forward to retirement, my husband and I seem to be suddenly propelled into more ministry opportunities than we ever imagines. This is our time of fulfillment, when many of the prophesies spoken over us through the years are coming to pass. There's clarity of vision and a new momentum that has me traveling more than ever. I didn't plan life this way. Daily obedience to God set this course and I'm along for the ride!

The down-side of the travel is the time it takes me away from home. I miss my husband, children and grandchildren. Just because they don't need me doesn't mean it's easy to be apart! Smile. The travel also keeps me from you, which is more difficult than you might think. Though you may not believe this, I sincerely miss you when I'm on the road. I pray for you. Nothing I do on the mission field diminishes my love or commitment to you. We're family!

So, I've decided to take you with me. This post will simply be a second journal for me. I'll share my current life-lessons, thoughts, experiences, and dreams. I'll look for your insights, shared experiences and life-lessons in the comment box. Instead of this being a mentoring place, it will become our connecting spot. Sound okay?

I'll journal again sometime soon. In the meantime, thanks for "traveling" with me. It's not nearly as lonely when I travel with friends!

Serving with Joy,
Pastor Carla


Amanda H. said...

I read!! I just never comment. Usually I'm one handed at the computer so it's difficult. Love you, and am always excited when you post new blogs!!!

bird said...

"Daily obedience to God, set the course"; this jumped out at me like a lightning bolt! Thank You for being real with us. I love you for it. Your life words stay with me like cat fur on my good clothes. Please keep on blogging!!!

R. Taylor