I was so blessed last Sunday by the many "sisters" who personally responded to my last posting. The thoughtful words, hugs, and prayers were a great encouragement and I am very grateful.
Sunday night at the special service, it was as if a faucet was turned on - my eyes flowed with tears! The more I worshipped, the more I cried. At one point I felt the Lord's Presence so thick in front of me. He put His hand over my heart and refreshed it once again. I've not been the same since. Later I thought, "Father, it would be so nice to have someone hold me for a change." Along came sweet Mary Banfield, who simply hugged me and prayed in the Spirit. There's something powerful about sharing a burden in prayer that helps to let it go. Thank you to all for the prayers last week. All is well!
Before coming to church on Sunday morning, I received prophetic insight from the Holy Spirit concerning the increase of earthquakes and natural disasters being experienced all over the world. I sensed that this is the groanings of the earth for the sons and daughters of God, the mature ones, to arise. The earth is anticipating the season of great harvest and longs to be delivered from the enemy's dominion. It wants the freedom given at creation. It is calling for the church to take her rightful place, establishing God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. There is an increase in the fulfillment of prophecies and the forward momentum of the church. As the spiritual battle intensifies, the earth will reflect the battle that rages in the heavenlies - but will experience the peace and redemption of Christ as His kingdom is enforced by His church. The key to the chaos happening in the world is to pray AND to enforce Christ's victory. We are the enforcers!
We must be careful not to make the spiritual battle personal. It's not about us individually - it's about us corporately. It is the principalities of darkness resisting the rise, authority, and establishing of Christ's church in the earth. If we make the battle personal, we are apt to feel "picked on" and lapse into self-pity. Though we are deeply loved as individuals, the battle we face is not about our individual callings or needs. This is about the church coming into maturity and the enemy's attempt to prolong his sad end! When we fight from this perspective, we are confident and bold. We do not retreat. We do not fear. We are not focused on self. Our eyes are on the One Who loves and leads us! The battle is not about us - it's about seeing our Jesus glorified and honored as King of Kings! EVERY eye shall see Him! Every knee SHALL bow before Him! He IS Lord!
This is a time for us to hold steady. No matter what we see, hear, or experience, we are to hold on to our confession of faith. No changing course when difficulties come. Stand and believe. Wait and see. May we hunger to be the mature ones of God, even as the earth groans in anticipation of us. It's time to harvest!
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